Saturday, April 17, 2010

Today was quite the day.

First things first: I don't think men truly appreciate the pain women must endure AFTER working out to make our legs look pretty and showy for them. I must have done a few dozen lunges and squats yesterday and all dang day each time I had to pee I hestitated in anticipation of the burn of my inner thighs as I began my decent toward the ever-cold toilet seat.  Talk about wanting to hold it for as long as humanly possible. But due to my recent studies of the urinary system, I have learned that you can really only make the first feeling of needing to go pee away. After that the bladder nearly doubles in fluid retention before you start getting pains and absolutely cannot hold it without injury or wetting yourself.  So like a tooper I just kept deluding myself into believing it was additional pain for additional gain later. lol

I had orientation today for my program. I was both nervous and excited without any idea of what to expect. Last year the top number of applicants was 80 and the selection of students to begin the program was 36. This year the top choice applicants were narrowed down to 60 (yay!) and they are choosing 34.  That's about a 56.7% chance of getting in. Those odd are way better than before.  Now that orientation is done I can get my job shadows and interviews set up and get those rolling. They have to be completed by May 19th so I've got a little time. I'm going to research a bit further into the field so I can ask intelligible questions during my interviews and job shadows as it sounded like those are a large teetering point for the choosing of students.  I've been told in the past I'm great at interviews so we'll just have to see how it all goes.  If I don't get in this year then that gives me a full year to do some volunteer work and really immerse myself in the environment so I can apply again next year with confidence.

I didn't eat very well today. I had a turkey bologna sandwich on my way out the door to the orientation and then a couple hours later ate an apple. By the time I got home much later I was pretty empty feeling so I made a fat free refried bean and colby/jack cheese quesadilla for dinner. It wasn't the healthiest but it was better than fast food, in which I don't really care for anyway lately, or pizza.  Mmm I was really craving pizza but I've been very good at fighting urges.  That's definitely a strong point for me. I can fight urges no problem but changing bad habits is where I fall behind.

Friday, April 16, 2010

It's 1:24 a.m. and I'm about to crash for the night. I was notified earlier this week I made the top candidates list for a medical program in which I applied at the end of March.  Technically, I turned it in on April 1 and was notified within a week that I was on the top list. That makes me feel pretty fan-freakin-tastic.  I was going to use my swear version but I have a hard time using harsh swear words frequently online. *shrug*

Tomorrow, err, today, is orientation for the program. It will provide me with all that I need to know for the next step which is calling the two hospitals they assigned me, set up a job shadow and an interview at each, then wait again for the next step of the process. The shadow and interview for both locations must be done by May 19th and classes would begin about a month later in June so I wouldn't expect there to be too much of a delay after that time period in finding out if I made it.

I think it is a bit funny in a way that I spoke to several people at my local hospital who said they went through the same program but none of them made it their first application year.  Is it overly optimistic of me to say I feel hopeful? That I may be just that awesome and special that I might get in on my first attempt?  Alas, I'm not really one for daydreaming. I tend to look at most things from various angles and choose the most realistic possibilities. In this case the realistic possibility includes the facts that if someone applied last year and made the same top list, they should get priority first as this is not their first attempt at application and in some way it is a first-come first-served basis for those eligible students.

For now, I shall think of nothing but setting my alarm for 7 hours from now, waking up and having some coffee while I feed the dogs, then shower and get pretty to leave super early for tomorrow. I generally give myself two hours to get to the location. It generally takes 40 minutes to get there and 20 to 30 minutes to find parking, as well as purchasing a daily parking pass. I'd rather be early than get places late or by the skin of my teeth. Of course this doesn't work for ALL situations since I'm regularly behind schedule when meeting friends or family. lol

Thursday, April 15, 2010

I worked out today for the first time in a while. Admittingly I feel really good about it yet at the same time ashamed that I couldn't push myself to go further. Since it has been several months since my last good string of workouts I felt like I shouldn't over-do it for fear of being put off by it. Working out should be fun, not irritating.  My main weapon of choice for working out is the Nintendo Wii. Today I used a combination of Wii Fit Plus with EA Sports Active More Workouts.

Perhaps soon I'll start posting my measurements and weight on here but for now, I think I'll just use this blog for encouragement to stay motivated.

An Introduction

This blog attempt is not for your enjoyment. It is for my education and perhaps yours as I share my experiences of a healthy lifestyle.  I'm not a thin woman, nor am I obese. I am a bit thick but I consider myself to be a healthy individual that just needs to get out of the house more and on my feet.

My name is Bethany and I am 28 years old. I live in a small town in Oregon far enough away to consider it a chore to drive to the city yet close enough to be able to go when I want to get away from the country.  From a young age it was apparent I would not be following in the stick-thin foot steps of my always thin mother or either of my older brothers.  As a picky child it was difficult to get me to eat anything nutritous and I am now paying for it as an adult.  For a small glimpse of time in high school I experienced a size 6 in juniors but that quickly went away from working at a desk job shortly after graduation.

Today I fight the good fight to find healthy and delicious alternatives to the daily indulgences and today I decided to blog about it.